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16 days of activism in Cobán, Guatemala
This week, for the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, responsibles of the Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response Project (GGBV) in Guatemala met in the city of Cobán to increase awareness on the topic of gender-based violence in the country.
For example, banners promoted the tool Violentometro to measure the state of violence. Departamental authorities like Cobán’s governor Dilia Margarita Có Coy and the first Vice President of the Congress of the Republic and parliamentarian Alma Luz Guerrero attended the event.

Group picture of the project's responsibles and local authorities

Group picture of the project's responsibles and local authorities
Family Justice Center in Kosovo?
TDA’s Director Mark Williams was in Kosovo last week to discuss the establishment of a replica model from the FJC Moldova in the region. If a similar Family Justice Center can be introduced, it would be the second of its kind in Eastern Europe. Kosovo has just adopted laws on domestic violence, gender-based violence, and violence against women in September 2024, aiming to align with the Istanbul Convention.
Find out more about the FJC in Moldova at our affiliate's website: https://www.tdoy.org/familyjusticecenter